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Dust Control

Applying an asphalt emulsion or other dust control product to unpaved roads can significantly reduce the amount of particulates emitted into the air. A single vehicle traveling at thirty miles per hour on a mile of gravel road can produce 4.5 pounds of dust. A light application of asphalt can also provide protection to the road surface. 

Effective in treating:

  • Gravel roads
  • Quarries
  • Construction sites

Most dust palliatives are sprayed onto the surface with little additional surface preparation needed. Application rates can vary from 0.20 to 0.50 gallons per square yard. Road surface material must be mechanically stable for best performance of dust suppressants.


  • Reduces gravel loss and sediment runoff.Reduces maintenance grading costs from 25 to 75 percent
  • Higher quality of life and property values for those working and living next to a treated road
  • Reduces dust-related health problems and cleaning costs

Fog Seal

A Fog Seal is a single, light application of asphalt, usually emulsion, applied to retain aggregate on an existing pavement surface for maintenance purposes. It is sometimes used over an asphalt concrete surface as a new seal coat if a porous aggregate has been used as the cover aggregate.

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